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Welcome! My Name Is Jessica or Iscah whichever you use is fine. I'm here introducing myself and the wonderful ALL NATURAL HEALING PRODUCTS that I have taken a few years to perfect. At the age of 17 I lost my mother to breast cancer and she was only 39 years old so I've always been interested in ways to eat and live healthy also Natural Healing as opposed to medicine. A few years ago I started researching extensively The causes of different types of cancer and of course breast cancer is a BIG Problem Among our Population. Through my Research I was Shocked to find that Researchers Found and Believe that one the MAJOR Causes of breast cancer was Mercury, Aluminium and other agents found in Major deodorant brands found on the shelves in stores.I thought to myself... WOW! Everyone I know wears some sort of deodorant or antiperspirant, myself included. Then I got angry, I mean who wants to walk around smelly and uncomfortable all day because the only thing you know to help with perspiration causes cancer? So, My journey began there. I tried the apple cider vinegar method with the baking soda and let me tell you if you want to have raw underarms be my guest. That didn't work well for me. Then I tried to just go bare, shaving every couple of days to keep the odor under control but I have a family and job and sometimes by the end of an 8 hour shift, co-workers were starting to give me that look. You know the look. Finally because of all the methods I'd tried had failed, I went back to the Major brands, very reluctantly. Finally, My children are growing up (Super Traumatic) and the only thing that kept going through my mind is, I can't live forever so who's going to prevent my children and grandchildren from getting cancer from these products that most of us live by? So, I went at it again this time looking into Natural ways (herbs, oils, food) to Fight and Kill Cancer Cells and I found them. When my methods are combined I have found an ALL NATURAL way to Rid of the Poisons and Provide healing and health with proven results. Over Time, My products will Cancer Cells and Heal You. I urge you to go try the other brands first, then come to me because I'm 100% confident in my ALL NATURAL HEALING PRODUCTS. I Hope That You Will choose Life For You and Your Family. Thank You All!!!!